Power from behind the door of death

No body knows what is behind the door of death. They who already knows, will trapped there, they wont back here to tell us. Even if somehow they managed to get back here, and tell us their story, there is no way to proof it. Unless, the listener go to the door, and look what is behind it by themself, and trapped there.

Because of that, I think, everyone have the right to create (and believe) their own story. I, for example, could believe that after we die, our soul go to mighty recycle bin of love, which is created by black haired sexy godess with small boobs. There, the bad souls will be tortured by bad sex, and more bad sex. While the good souls will be rewarded by good sex, and more good sex. And if you dont believe my story, you are a sinner, a kuffar whose hearts closed by God.. Euh, I mean Goddess.

Based on that crazy story, I can build some set of rules. Maybe a religion. Which deeds considered as good, which is bad, and how much reward will given for each of them.

Unfortunately, not every human aware about this. And among the aware ones, not many who have enough creativity to build our own story. Or guts to ‘sells’ their product on the market owned by mainstreamed faiths.

Rather than think and create, we choose to believe the story made by other. Following mainstream or our parents. Take it for granted. Put our faith on any storytellers and crapmakers we love.

We give them the power to build religions and sects which puts many rules and fear upon our life. Give them the power to divide us into different groups based on believes. Give them the power to make us hate each other, and create war based on our differences.

What we get from the storytellers? Warranty of happy heaven in the afterlife. Warranty of justice, for everyone will get the punishment and rewards for everything they did.

What the storytellers get? Power. Power to control our life. To tell us what to do and dont.

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